The core premise of Christianity, what really makes it different from Judaism, is that Jehovah (an omniscient omnipotent divine being) became a man in the form of Jesus* and he died on the cross for our sins, and through belief in him we are saved. With a few minutes of examination, we can deconstruct this, and truthfully say that this is completely nonsensical.


Well, the entirety of the core belief is rested upon the idea that humans are inherently sinful. Without Humanity having sin as the default state, we would have no reason to believe in Jesus, we would have no reason to be saved, and we would have no reason to fear Hell. For Jesus to  die on the cross for our sins, we must have sin. To be saved through Jesus, we must have sin. So, why do we have sin? Because Jehovah is idiotic.

There really is no other explanation when you think about it. We have sin because Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and then tempted Adam into doing so. Thus, because we are the descendants of Adam and Eve, we inherit their sin. What the Bible, along with most Christians, fails to explain is: Why would God create the Tree, why do we deserve to be punished with eternal torture for Adam and Eve's "sin," and why didn't God just kill Adam and Eve and start over?

Adam and Eve were effectively stuck in Eden. Also, as they were created into adult form, they are just children in adult bodies. When you tell a child "Whatever you do, DON'T do <x," we all know they will inevitably try it. Given that Adam and Eve were intended to live in Eden forever, someone was EVENTUALLY going to eat from the Tree. This would cause all of humanity  to be doomed. Why would the so-called God Jehovah set up a scenario where, in the end, what he wanted to happen (Humanity not knowing of Good and Evil) could have been accomplish by simply NOT CREATING THE TREE? He is either malicious or idiotic because of this. However, if he was malicious, Jehovah would not have used the Tree to give humanity sin, we would have just started out with sin. God, therefore, could only be idiotic.

If my father committed murder, would I and my siblings deserve to be punished? What if, at the time of the crime, I was unborn? Would I deserve to be punished for my father's crime? Do I deserve to be tortured for eternity because someone else committed a crime? No. We have not done anything to deserve Adam Eve's punishment of sin, contrary to what the Church may teach you. 

If there is anything Jehovah likes, it is killing people who disobey him. He commands the Jews to kill every non-Jewish countries they encounter in the Old Testament. He wipes out most of humanity in the Great Flood for being wicked. The simplest solution, from God's point of view, would just simply be to kill Adam and Eve and start over. If we really are tainted by their crimes, wouldn't it have been better to make it so that nobody other than them suffered? 

Many Christians, when faced with issues about the Old Testament, will simply say that it doesn't matter, that only the New Testament matters. However, the entirety of Christianity is rested upon the stone that is Original Sin. That stone, as I have demonstrated, is to weak to hold even water, and is certainly to weak to hold up Christianity. All we must do is remove the Jenga piece of Original Sin, and Christianity begins tumbling down.

*Apparently he was his son too, but yet we are all "children of God", so wouldn't that make us God too?

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