Recently, a group of Atheists and humanists have started a PAC called the Freethought Equality Fund. While I perfectly fine with atheists and/or humanists starting a PAC, the problem lies with the name. It is inexcusably hypocritical, and embodies a specific attitude of Atheists that I despise. They refuse to accept Deists as freethinkers. 

I am a freethinker. I believe in a God. I don't need the bible to tell me that. I use my reason to come to that conclusion. Despite using reason to come up with my beliefs, Atheists refuse to to accept me and Deists like me as what we are: Freethinkers. For people who claim to look down upon willful ignorance, they do an awful lot of ignoring what a freethinker is. The reason for this appears clear to me: They enjoy advancing the stereotype that belief in God is willful ignorance.

The stereotype couldn't be farther from the truth, but it is their favorite stereotype. If they can equate the belief in God, even if it is based in reason like Deism is, they don't have any obligations to provide real arguments against the existence of God. They are blindly tossing the mere possibility of Deism. Not only that, they are completely disregarding many people's beliefs and/or personal philosophy. Including mine. Deism is, for the most part, a freethought religion. Even  it.the most dogmatic of Deists groups generally don't care what you believe is long as you have logic behind your beliefs.

I call for one of two possibilities: Either the Freethought Equality Fund lives up to its name and accepts Deists, or change their name to accurately reflect their actually purpose. Not only that, it is necessary that all people recognize the legitimacy of Deism as a freethought religion. My demands are based off  accurately reflecting the truth that Deism is a religion that advocates the following  principles: All your beliefs should be based on reason, and that reason leads us to conclude that a God exists.

10/20/2013 04:15:53 pm

Atheists frequently use the term "skepticism" to justify their blind faith in the non-existence of God or any supernatural beings. An agnostic nay be a skeptic, but an Atheist most certainly isn't. Skepticism is a two way street. All Atheist fall prey to the logical fallacy of using the assumption that they are right as the basis of their argument. they first assume that the fact that they assume that there is no logical proof of God is proof that there is no God. It's what is called a circular argument.

12/13/2013 02:41:51 am

Deists, by default, are the freest thinkers. Atheists do not open their mind to the possibility of a God while religious folks don't open their mind to the fact that there might NOT be a God. Deists are more inclined to be open to both possibilities.

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