It's been too long


Hopefully this will be the first post of my return. I feel like I need to explain my absence. 

I guess the immediate cause was a complication in my personal life. I had a decreasing time to write and think about Deism. But that doesn't really explain it all. I was getting increasingly frustrated and I couldn't really put my finger on it until a few weeks after I posted my last post. I discovered the reason, and it was very apparent in hindsight: What we're doing ISN'T working.

We've been sitting at our computers blogging, sitting at our computer making podcasts, sitting at our computers writing forum posts, and sitting at our computers THINKING. We haven't been getting the word out about Deism, we haven't done ANYTHING to effectively spread Deism. I don't mean preaching or evangelizing, I mean telling people what Deism is or correcting people when they say that Deists believe in an absent God. Nothing has changed. We have no lack of thinkers or bloggers, we have a lack of ACTION.

I think what surprised me most about my break is the amount of people who emailed me. I assumed I would be left in silence, but there were a large amount of people who contacted me. I think it was ultimately them who brought me back. People still had faith in me. I'd like anybody who has something to contribute to this site email me at [email protected]. In the next few weeks, I'll be making a few changes to the site and post the as much as I can. But I have achieved nothing if I don't have guest writers. More than anything else, I'd like to give voice to those who previously had no other venues. 

But this will never be enough. We need to mobilize, we need to act, we need to progress. Please, share with me your thoughts and ideas. It must be through collective action that we move forward. 

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