The Fear of God


Christians are afraid of their God. Muslims are afraid of their God. Both are right to do so, even if they claim their God is a loving God. In my opinion, they are right to do so. Their God is so hateful. They proudly proclaim that he ordered the rape if thousands of young girls. He punishes thousands for trying to create a building that was too tall. But what of the Deist God? Should we fear him? Should we be afraid that he shall smite us with lightning?


As a whole, Deists tend not to believe in a meddling God. We see no evidence or reason for God to influence our lives. Of course, I cannot speak for all Deists. For many of us, God is not a jealous man in the sky, but a necessary fact of our universe. There i no reason to fear such a being. He cannot be threatened by large buildings, or cloning. He is certainly more loving than Jehovah, because that he is not actively malicious.

There are certainly better emotions to have for a Deist God. I have a respect for God, the kind of one a parents deserves from their kid (but not the love that comes from raising me). I also am thankful towards God for my existence. However, I am not threatened by God. I lack the fear of God, for there is ultimately no reason to do so for a Deist.

This is such a liberating concept. For thousands of years, the fear of deities (whether it be Zeus or Jehovah or any other of the countless deities" has bound and constricted Humanity and progress. The Churches use it as a method of controlling the masses, along with countless other fears. By recognizing our lack of fear, we can no longer let it hinder our progress. We can move past "Playing God" as an excuse for hindering scientific research and deal with the real ethical questions. We can live our lives without fearing that we might be smote for doing something against God's will. We can now exist without the fear of God.
Danny Ray
8/31/2013 12:30:45 am

Reminds me of a foundational strategy of marketing:

"Create fear and then sell hope."

Ron DeGoth
8/31/2013 05:07:04 am

Hell, Original Sin, and divine wrath are some good examples of using fear to sell hope.

Danny Ray
9/1/2013 06:33:53 am

The dreaded "ED" is another good example we use on men. Simple suggestion creates the fear, which causes a whole lot of performance anxiety, then prepare to rake in the money!

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