So, today I attempted to find my blog on Google by searching for The American Deist. It turns out there is a website named Now, when browsing through their articles, I came upon a post about which of the two Deists should support: Atheism or Christianity. The contend that Christianity is better. I say Atheism is better.

The article demonstrates a clear misunderstanding of Deism. We base our beliefs on REASON. Not mere faith. Our belief in our reason is second only to our belief in God. Atheism is reason based, and Christianity is not. Atheism promotes the same virtues that Deists due, other than their disbelief in God. But as I pointed out yesterday, the Deist God is very different from Jehovah. The author makes the mistake of conflating the two beings. 

Who shares more in common with Deism, the Atheist or the Christian?

Atheists base their beliefs on reason, Christians do not.
Atheists reject Jehovah and his "moral" laws, Christians do not.
Atheists accept science and facts, Christians do not.

We side with atheists because their beliefs, even though we may disagree with them, are INFINITELY preferable to  Christianity. They are based on reason. While our reason may lead us to different conclusions, the fact remains that our religions are more similar than Christianity. The Deist God is based in reason, the Atheist void is based on reason.

The article says that  Deists do not seek to  undermine belief in supernatural revelation. That, like supernatural revelation, is simply not true. Most Deists do not belief in divine revelation in the form of a book. While we believe in revelation in the form of the Universe, we do not accept belief in books. Thomas Paine made a better argument than I ever could about revelation. This topic deserves its own article, that I will eventually get around to writing.

The article completely fails to address the practical reasons for siding with Atheists: In America, we are both religious minorities fighting against the Christian majority. This reason, beyond my personal friendships with Muslims, is why I prefer not to attack Islam. Christianity is the biggest threat, obstacle, and enemy to American Deists, and we need all the help we can to take it down. 

The fourth reason gets its own post, but simply stated is that Christianity promotes an atmosphere of intolerance and blind obedience to the Church, while Atheism and Deism promote an atmosphere of tolerance and reason.

Oh, and here is the article in question:


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